Unleashed is inventory software made simple.

A single, easy to use interface to rock all things stock. Take full control and real-time visibility of your inventory across locations, warehouses and systems.

Powerful inventory management

One place for your your catalogue, cross-country warehouses, and across-the-world orders. Always keep an eye on your stock levels, in real time, on any device.

Smooth ordering and supplier management

Restock on the go, manage returns, and keep supplier orders and all related docs all in one place. Unleashed integrates seamlessly to your accounting and planning systems.

Accurate and flexible sales management tools

What’s the cost of each product, category, or sale? Who are your superstar customers (and do they deserve special discounts)? Find out with integrated invoicing, backorders, real-time margin calculations and more.


Cloudscape Technologies is one of the first Unleashed implementation partners in the Middle East. We have expertise not only in Unleashed, but also with integration into other cloud tools across POS, Accounting and E-Commerce to help you leverage your investment in IT.

How Unleashed can help you

Take the guesswork out of inventory

You’ll always know what you have in stock, where it is, and where it should be going next. Unleashed adapts to your warehouse and business with every conceivable datapoint:

Product catalogue: weight, bar codes, images, and min/max stock levels

Real-time stock levels, costs, batch tracking, including for perishable goods

Multiple warehouses and countries

Resupply and manage orders on autopilot

Unleashed has got you covered from supplier invoice to customer order (or return). Manage your customers in one place, assigning tiered or discounted pricing for attractive groups. Low stock? Have an order sent directly to your supplier.

Predict, decide and strategize with better data

With visibility and control comes power: the power to make quicker, better decisions. Leverage the powerful analytics inside Unleashed to make data-driven sales, management and catalogue decisions.

Find out if Unleashed is right for you

f it wasn’t obvious already, we love talking cloud. We’ll be happy to tell you everything you want to know about Unleashed – no obligations, no strings attached.


Cloudscape Technologies is a Certified Unleashed Implementation Partner in the UAE