Complimentary Discovery Session

Unsure about the right POS & Inventory management system needed for your business? Book a 30-minute complimentary discovery session and we’ll help

Recommend the system that’s right for your business

Show you the right addons and integrations you need

Answer your questions about effective inventory management software

What's the process like?

Easy-breezy. We take care of your technology from A to Z, so you can focus on actually running your store.

Step 1. Book a complimentary discovery consultation

Using the booking module, select a suitable day and time for the call and feel free to invite the key members of your team as well. Once the call is scheduled, you’ll also receive a calendar invite as well as reminders ahead of the meeting because we understand how busy days can get.

Book a complimentary discovery consultation

Step 2. Attend the call

We’ll kick off a no-commitment conversation to get a comprehensive idea of your brand, goals, and challenges since no two businesses are the same and take you through a series of questions that we’ve tailor-made for retail and F&B brands

Attend the call

Step 3. Answer your questions

You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers! As Inventory management experts for retail and F&B brands, we’ve worked with businesses and brands all over the world and can help answer all your questions so you have all of the clarity you need

Answer your questions

Step 4. Solution Design & Recommendation

Now that we’ve got an understanding of your business, we’ll design the solution with the right systems and integrations. Not only that, we’ll even send you a summary of our conversation so that you’ll everything we discussed in an easy to understand summary document.

Solution Design & Recommendation

Step 5. Book the complimentary Demo meeting

This is where everything comes together! We will set up a customized demo of the proposed solution especially for your brand and walk you through all of the features as well as showcase some improved workflows that you can implement in your business right away.

Book the complimentary Demo meeting